Well folks, it's been a long time in the making but after many set-backs, soul-searches, remixes and interpolations; MY NEW CD IS ON THE WAY. The CD should be out and about sometime in early to mid January or possibly February depending on my resources. At the moment, the project is untitled and no artwork has been decided upon just yet but as soon as it happens, YOU will be the first to know (you, yes you....and put some freakin' pants on for pete's sake). Simply put, I've been working on this project for the past 3 years and have released nugs and bits of it here and there but after many sleepless nights of tweaking and freakin, it needs to be heard in it's full context of sonic wackiness. Nuff said.
Over the next few days (ha...I always say that) I'll be updating the Blog with the track listings, artwork, and all that other good sh!t that goes into any quality MISCREANT PRODUCTION (damn, that was too corny but oh well). In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of Tuxi (our bad-ass kitty) chillin on the Casio. Peace.
listening to: Front 242 - Headhunter