There Has To Be A Reason (3.0)

Business as usual here...just the regular goofin, spoofin, and working on beats. I just got my copy of Propellerheads Reason a few days ago (thanks Butch) and needless to say, I've been rocking the tutorial and trying to make some ill noise and madness. Speaking of madness, here's a pic of me and Ashlyn messing with the security camera at the local Wal-Mart. The store smelled really bad that day... sorta like body odor meets moth-balls...

It's funny (for me anyway) to remember the old days of recording on the cassette 4-track and having to bounce stuff back & forth just to be able to record just one more instrument or sample. I remember running my DR-550 drum machine's kick drum through this Radio Shack reverb and sending the output BACK to the reverb to get this sick feedbacky bass sound that somewhat (with a little imagination) resembled a distorted 808 kick and being happier than a pig in poop. I also remember the day that I figured out that I could connect my SR16 drum machine to my MS1 sampler via MIDI...

Nowadays it's all here right at my finger-tips. A multitrack studio with an unlimited number of tracks, virtual synthesizers, a never ending supply of drum samples, the ability to seek out and buy once hard to come by vinyl on the name it. Has it all become to easy? Has the integrity of the art been comprimised by the computer age? Dammit...I'm going to bed to think about this.